

My name is Ruud Otten. Thank you for joining The Never Ending Workshop. I am a sketch and watercolour artist and have been drawing almost my entire life.

Next to creating art, I have founded the national Urban Sketchers Netherlands group and was co-organiser of the 10th International Urban Sketchers Symposium 2019 in Amsterdam.

My goal is to offer you the opportunity to bring your sketching skills to the next level, step by step, sketch by sketch. Especially for you I have founded The Never Ending Workshop in May 2020. This is a free online sketching workshop that will grow forever, as long as I have the means to add lectures to it. As an enrolled student you will be notified by email when a new lesson is available.

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can comment below the lectures. Please, try to write your comments in English, because the platform might block some languages (I am sorry that I can't do much about it). If you wright in your own language and I do not reply to your comment, please understand that I might not have seen the comment, because of this reason.

You can publish your sketching results in the comments as well and ask for feedback. Connecting with fellow students is also possible in the lecture comments. If you want to connect on social media, you can use hashtag #neverendingworkshop. If you want to get in touch with me on social media, you can find me on Facebook and Instagram.

I am looking forward to your feedback.

Happy sketching,

Now you know a little bit more about me. Why not introduce yourself in the comments below?

If you can, please introduce yourself in English, as this is a course followed by people from the entire planet. If you have issues writing in English it is allowed to reply in your own language and I will see if Google translate can help me 🙂

Where do you come from? What do you like to sketch most? Do you sketch at home or do you like to sketch outdoors maybe? Have you sketched before? I would like to get to know you and I am sure other students in this course would like to know more about you.

P.S.: Feel free to comment to each others work in an encouraging way. This is meant to be a safe place to learn from each other 😉.

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